Sustainable Packaging
Airborne Immune Support Effervescent Tablets
Report Process:
Step 1: Competitive Environment Analysis
This section explores the competitive market of immune support products to understand the current packaging of Airborne and its competitors further to develop a strategy for more sustainable packaging.
Step 2: Market Segment Focus Group Analysis
Looking at the immune support supplement market through the lens of a focus group and individual perspectives opened conversations to the current status of the packaging and possible demand evolutions.
Step 3: Materials, Processes, Waste, and Energy
In this section, Airborne Effervescent Tablets packaging materials will be examined to understand current pollutive or inefficient structures and reveal opportunities for sustainable packaging solutions. A cross-pollination of ideas from similar and non-similar products will be considered to widen the alternatives for materials and objectives of the product and packaging purposes.
Step 4: Supply Chain Analysis
The supply chain section will explore vendors of material options for different packaging solutions. Each possible vendor material option provided will be examined via the materials life cycle and the supplier's business practices to enforce why it is being suggested as a sustainable packaging provision. This will be executed by following the Sustainable Packaging Coalition (SPC) guidelines as a framework to access options.
Step 5: Repositioning Proposal
Airborne Effervescent Tablets were invented on the principals of innovation and dot-connection by a sole teacher who saw a recurring problem and found a solution. Parallel thinking should be implemented into the processes and provisions of the packaging for Airborne. Through this sustainable packaging study, different packaging avenues have been weighed and measure. In the following proposal, the best to date solutions are recommended.