Creativity Through A Lens of Sustainability



What do you do better than anyone else? 
I spot opportunity that could provide value as an end result. My inquisitive manner helps me retain little seemingly irrelevant moments that impact the way I think to connect the dots for new ideas.

What unique or lowest-cost resources do you draw upon often?
The internet, google search – utilizing infinite amounts of info to find solutions.

What skills are your Unique Selling Proposition (USP)? My focus and direct line of sight when passionate and enthusiastic about an idea, project, or task.

What does your work ethic offer? An authentic "gives a shit" factor. I don't take on opportunities that I know I'm not passionate about. By knowing myself, I have learned that without passion or personal alignment to my work I become sloppy and careless. Because of this, I have chosen to only seek positions that align with who I am and what matters to me.


What could you improve? Communication skills, never assuming that minds are aligned and always seeking clarity. Execution, becoming better at knowing when to execute a task and being ok with the initial, uncomfortable confusion that walking in unknown territory prevails.

What should you avoid in leadership environments? I know I don't do well with loud heavily competitive personalities. When I come in contact with these types, I get annoyed and either avoid or begin to resent having to work with them. So learning how to personally deal with this types is something I need to work on.

What is your biggest weakness? The uncertainty of exactly what I want to do with my career. I have been stuck in a lull of experimentation for the past two years grasping for what I think I want to focus on.


How do you spot a good opportunity? I weigh the outcomes. Looking at the pros of the opportunity first and what makes me excited about the prospect. Then calculating the cons, I decide if the positives outweigh the negatives of the situation.

What interesting trends are you aware of? Sustainability, community over capital, mend it don't spend it, crowdsourcing, the social media effect, dyi, back to basics.


What obstacles do you face? Professional growth and finding my way, gender inequality, mind over matter, mental blocks, laziness, fun over fortune.

Are quality standards or specifications for your job, products or services changing? I feel like I yoyo in technology advances with every other company I work for. Some are farther along than others. As a designer, I am getting cut down in hourly rate by the service revolution where people are pumping out logos for $5 a pop. I also can't seem to want to work doing the same thing for longer than two years. I am constantly learning new things which sometimes overloads the idea train and overwhelms the execution of it all.  

Could any of your weaknesses seriously threaten your career? Depends who you ask. I have enjoyed and do not regret any of my career ventures. However, I play at high risk in order to be exactly where I want to be at all times. The way I see it is that I am fairly young in my career and can afford to make mistakes. I live below my means and make sure I don't get into debt. So I'm not going to worry about it until need be. 

Olivia Pedersen