Knowing Yourself
The Guardian - Millennials want purpose over paychecks. So why can't we find it at work?
This post digs into what's really going on with millennials when some interesting survey results showed that millennials came in last when it came time to grade the personal importance of different employment attributes: money, purpose, and status. But I think that is just the point millennials are trying to make. Money, purpose, and status don't mean the same thing to us as they might have to previous generations. The word "purpose" might not mean the same. As a creative leader money, purpose, and status still apply as relevant decision makers but the actual definitions of how they align will differ.
Center for Creative Leadership - Avoid These Simple (But Scary) Career Mistakes
"Having problems with interpersonal relationships is one of the most common characteristics of leaders who derail. The ability to work well with others clearly separates the managers who succeed from those who don’t." Bad leaders come down to a lack of soft skills, which is understandable since US education (at least traditional) k-12 and collegiate if you don't take any liberal arts never focused on. Without a proper management of relations with the people, you work with you don't perform at the highest capacity possible and roadblocks are put in your way because of it.
Innovation Excellence - Hire the Best People with These 6 Interview Questions
As a creative leader attracting and hiring the people that will help your hive thrive is a valuable skill right? But how do you know the right questions to ask? In this article, it lays out several questions you should ask in order to hire "the best". This question really stuck out to me for its value of awareness:
"Why are you successful?
Successful people think a great deal about what they are doing and why. They always have a definitive and purposeful answer to why they have been successful. They also have a deep need for success that always eclipses their fears."
A lot of what creative leadership entails is knowing yourself and knowing why you make the decisions you do and furthermore how those decisions effect others. In this example, success could be translated to thourough understanding.